doc Name: hitratio.sql Author: Mark Gurry The following script lists the Instance Hit Ratio, that is, the ratio of blocks found in the buffer cache as a proprtion of those read from disk. The closer to 100% the better. # ttitle ' The Hit Ratio ' select sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) "Consis Gets", sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0)) "DB Blk Gets", sum(decode(name, 'physical reads',value, 0)) "Phys Reads", (sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0)) - sum(decode(name, 'physical reads',value, 0))) / (sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets',value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, 'db block gets',value, 0)) ) * 100 "Hit Ratio" from v$sysstat;