set pages 999; column c0 heading 'date' format a11 column c1 heading 'Mount Pt.' format a9 column c2 heading 'MP Reads' format 999,999 column c3 heading 'MP Writes' format 999,999 column c4 heading 'Disk name' format a20 column c5 heading 'Disk Reads' format 999,999 column c6 heading 'Pct' format 999,999 set timing on; break on c0 skip 2 spool v4.lst; select to_char(a.samp_date,'MM/DD HH24:MI') c0, a.mount_point c1, a.kb_read c2, b.hdisk c4, b.kb_read c5, (b.kb_read/a.kb_read)*100 c6 from sys.iostat b, sys.vol_grp c, sys.sum_iostat a where a.mount_point = c.mount_point and c.hdisk = b.hdisk and to_char(a.samp_date,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI') = to_char(b.samp_date,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI') and (b.kb_read/a.kb_read)*100 > 50 and a.kb_read <> 0 order by to_char(a.samp_date,'MM-DD-HH24-MI'), a.mount_point ;