Java Programming with Oracle JDBC By Donald Bales The examples for the book are organized by chapter in their own subdirectory. You'll notice that I mentioned the name of most examples in the book as I discussed them so you could easily locate them in the subdirectory for each chapter. In addition, there are "extra" examples in some directories that I used a "proofs" during my testing, yet I didn't feel they needed to be in the text of the book. You may find these helpful too. For example, you'll find all the programs used to collect the metrics for Chapter 19 in directory chp19. You may find my hard coding of the database URL into the examples to be un- desirable. I considered adding some extra code to the examples to read the database URL(s) from a properties file or getting them from the command line. However, that would have made the examples longer and unnecessarily more complex. It's my opinion that these examples should be a simple as possible so you can concentrate at the learning task at hand and not get bogged down in convenience code. And, this way, by the time you're done changing all the URLs to fit your installation, you'll have the URL syntax memorized! ;-> Don Bales